Very Few Will Tell You About the Love Of Jesus

Hi, before we start reading about the love of Jesus, I would like to tell you that this is first ever blog written at ZionMusicorum, We have tried our best to put what Jesus has given inside us, but still, correction is appreciable, do write below down in the comment section.

What is Love

For mundane, attachment can be conditional, many times an attraction towards something people called its love, they get attracted by their look, fancy dress, or by their bank balance and they say I have fallen in love with you, but wait let me tell you that this doesn’t last long, because if the foundation is not strong then it’s not going to survive for long, attraction exist only for little times, it’s like you infatuate for some time then it goes away, but the endearement doesn’t infatuate, it grows time to time and goes deeper and deeper.

How can you recognize that somebody loves you, well the trees known by its fruits, you may 

  • Love doesn’t envy
  • love doesn’t boast
  • Love sacrifices
  • Love helps others
  • Love forgive others
  • Love accepts the weakness and moves on.

If you find these qualities, then you’re good to go.

Attraction can happen with anyone at any time, but the love is something which takes time to grow, love requires the attraction, but the attraction not, it can exist without love, as I have already said that you can easily say that you’re attracted by somebody, by their looks, talent, car or bank balance but the love goes beyond that.

Well, we talked about the mundane love, you must have experienced how conditional love people do in this world.

But do you wanna know about God’s Love, well this gonna be interesting because here you will get to know the real difference between attraction and love.

Are you excited?

What does the Bible say About love

Well, I think the greatest scripture we found to read in John 3:16 as his every word is important, but in this word we get to know about the love of Jesus for the world, there are clearly written

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life”

We love him because he first loved us, this is what God teaches us to love one another, keep hate away, love your family, love your spouse, love yourself as love is a gift from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and know God, (1 John 4:7)

Quick to remember:
  • Let us love one another
  • Love is greatest amongst the faith hope and love
  • Above all keep loving other fervently as love covers a multitude of sins
  • Love of God is inversely proportional to hate ( More God, less hate )
  • With all humility and gentleness, with bearing with one another in love
  • If God loved us then we ought to love one other (unconditionally)

How many times does the Bible talk about God's love?

Depends upon the version of the Bible, In the KJV bible version, there are 310 times love is mentioned, 179 times in the New Testament and 131 times Old Testament

What is the meaning of agape love?

Agape is an Ancient greek term which means the highest form of love, i.e “the love of God for man and of man for God” or the love of God for strangers, the Agape love does not depend on the situation, condition or any creed.

This is what God has done to us, the bible says he died for us or he gave his life at the perfect time while we were living in sin, this is the truest form of love the mankind could ever see in their life, there is no one this world, who lay his life for his friend or for anyone for their sin. 

In today’s world, there is a bare chance to see love like this, people are taking the life of their loved ones for their own desire, it’s time to rise up and think about agape love.


What are the benefits of Love?

As the Bible says A Joyful heart is a good medicine (Proverb 17:22) there is clearly straight relation between Joyful heart and love, as when you being loved your heart become joyful but without love, your heart can never be ecstatic

Know Physically and Mentally super helpful benefits of love

Quick to remember:

  • Lower Depression
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Less anxiety
  • Quick healing
  • Less bad feeling

Does Love come from God?

Do you still have not believe? But still, I would say yes love comes from God because God is love, remember love is not God, but God is love, or (God = Love) but (Love≠God) Our God is a loving, patience and a kind God and what we ought to do in order to love God, learn to sacrifice, the more you make yourselves less, the more you’ll grow in his image.

How to feel being Loved by God

There is the only way to feel the love of Jesus ecstatically, listen to him what he says read the bible and know his word, because the more you know him the more you feel being loved. In Ezekiel 16:1-14 God said, “You are mine, I love you like I love one other, I will raise you, cleanse you, and marry you”.

In Jeremiah 31:3 God spoke to the Israelites “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I continue my faithfulness to you”

In Romans 10:11-12 Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek”

Do you Still feel Unloved?

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4 years ago

Wow, this is an amazing blog, I am glad that I got a chance to read this wonderful blog.